Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Summer Rabbits

I don’t seem to get out as much as I would like to these days, but the weather has been great recently, too good to miss so out I went.  At this time of year, Fox cubs are venturing out on their own and without their own territory and lacking the caution of their parents, it’s often a good time to find and photograph them.

Where better to find them than where there are Rabbits.  Well, Rabbits were a plenty but there was no sign of a Fox – at least I didn’t see one.  A number of Magpies and other birds were mobbing some kind of predator in some thickets and long grass but I couldn’t really get close enough with it being waist high and full of thistles.  Wearing only light, thin trousers, the thistles were easily penetrating them making progress rather painful.

I settled instead for simply enjoying the warmth of the sunshine and watching the Rabbits.  It was noticeable how relaxed the Rabbits were, with one even appearing to ‘sunbathe’, lying down and on one occasion, on its back.  Still, even here the grass was long so shooting through this meant much of the time many of the images looked quite soft.

Rabbits may be common and not the most glamorous subject to many but I find them quite endearing and entertaining to watch.


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